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Gieni helps you

to increase your market share

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optimize your sales

launch your new product better

successfully manage your innovations

Gieni AI 2.0 is a unique B2B chatbot that acts as a true AI agent, delivering precise market insights for any industry in the future. Originally developed for the CNC manufacturing industry, Gieni AI 2.0 sets new standards and generates unique data as well as deep market insights. With semantic search and zero-shot classification, Gieni AI 2.0 provides maximum precision and valuable information.
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Gieni 2.0 aggregates the entire internet

Unlike other AI tools, Gieni aggregates data and places content in the correct context. Gieni develops and utilizes the latest techniques, such as GraphRag and large language models, to not only understand user queries but to break them down and ask multi-layered questions. As a result, hundreds of simultaneous queries can be triggered for a single question.

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Gieni's Unique Capabilities

Gieni 2.0 understands and analyzes your questions, enabling you to access industry analyses, business optimizations, competitive analyses, and much more.
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Emerging Trends in the Aerospace Sector in Europe: Key Players and Developments
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The aerospace sector in Europe is witnessing significant growth, with a total of 4,749 companies employing approximately 2.88 million people. This industry is characterized by a diverse range of activities, including engineering services, testing laboratories, and specialized design services, which collectively represent a substantial portion of the market. The addressable market for aerospace in Europe is estimated at around €35.5 billion, indicating a robust economic landscape. Emerging trends include a focus on sustainability, with companies increasingly investing in green technologies and alternative fuels to reduce carbon emissions. Additionally, advancements in digitalization and automation are reshaping manufacturing processes, enhancing efficiency and precision.
Emerging Trends in the Aerospace Sector in Europe: Key Players and Developments
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For every question, Gieni generates valuable personalized dashboards with interactive graphics and unprecedented deep insights.
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Gieni Report

The Gieni Report is your comprehensive tool for strategic business development. It integrates all essential analyses, including market analysis, competitor reports, technology comparisons, as well as trend and risk analyses, to provide a holistic perspective.
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Gieni Market Analysis

The Gieni Market Analysis offers detailed insights into current and future market trends and developments. This report helps you identify opportunities and risks early, so you can adapt your business strategy accordingly. Essential for proactive and successful market positioning.
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Gieni Competitive Analysis

The Gieni Competitive Analysis delivers in-depth analysis of your competitors' strengths and weaknesses. It shows you how to position yourself relative to your competitors and identifies areas for improvement. This report is crucial for sharpening your competitive strategy and strengthening your market position.
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Gieni Technology Comparison

The Gieni Technology Comparison analyzes relevant technologies and their potential impact on your industry. It provides you with sound decision-making foundations for technological investments and innovations. This report is indispensable for leveraging competitive advantages effectively.
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Gieni Trend and Risk Analysis

The Gieni Trend and Risk Analysis identifies emerging trends and potential risks that could impact your business strategy. Use this report to future-proof your company and tackle strategic challenges early.
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Gieni's CRM Booster

Reliable data and information are all that matter. This is the only way to conquer or defend markets. Accurate steering of sales and marketing is essential in today's world.
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Optimize your customer relationship management with tailored data solutions.

Gieni AI 2.0 assists you in creating, expanding, and maintaining robust CRM databases. Current and relevant customer information and data improve your sales and marketing goals and strengthen your customer relationships.

Where are your future customers, the ones you don’t even know about yet?

Which competitor products are they using? In which markets are your products used, and where are they not? Goal setting, planning, implementation—our AI-specialized databases provide valuable strategic answers.

Gieni's Custom Specialized Database

Want more? We customize Gieni to your specific business goals to ensure our solutions are precisely aligned with your individual needs.
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What our Clients say about Gieni

Learn how Gieni AI has transformed companies in the CNC manufacturing industry with precise and valuable data analyses. Here are some opinions from our satisfied customers:
I have been using GIENI for the past months, and the results are amazing. As a Sales Manager, finding high-quality linformation is crucial, and GIENI has exceeded my expectations. The program consistently delivers detailed information on prospects interested in our services, boosting our conversion rates significantly. Thanks to GIENI, we can focus more on nurturing and converting leads rather than searching for them. I highly recommend GIENI to any business looking to expand their reach and improve lead quality.
Mario Stanco
Regional Sales Manager Americas - INDEX-Werke GmbH & Co. KG
We are thrilled with the amount of data Gieni AI provides. The processed information has helped us significantly to launch a precise marketing campaign tailored to our customer segment.
Timo Unkauf
Head of Sales - Apodis GmbH
Gieni offers impressive data collections with deep insights into manufacturing technologies and market distribution of machines. Their outstanding AI capability quickly and precisely solves complex issues, enabling immediately applicable AI solutions.
Highly recommended for even the most demanding questions!
Marcel Daniel
Head of Strategic Procurement - Chiron Group SE
The AI-based innovative market data system Gieni AI developed by Orderfox has impressed us and provided greater transparency. The detailed market data and availability have helped us gain a better and deeper understanding of our market. Applying this data can specifically enhance efficiency.
Peter Johann Petri
Managing Director - Walter (Schweiz) AG
In procurement consulting, Gieni revolutionizes efficiency and workflow with instantly available, detailed data and exceptional precision. This unique tool delivers immediate, measurable results and sets new standards for application. Gieni's specialized database is one of a kind and should become the standard in every company.
Michael Albrecht
Procurement Consulting