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What interests you the most?

Select the products you're most interested in. Click on the options below to choose multiple products that you want to explore with Gieni 2.0. Your preferences will help us tailor the experience to your needs.
Competitor Analysis
CRM Booster
Market Analysis
Trend Analysis
Risk Analysis
Custom Database
Technology Comparison

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Thank you for joining the early access waiting list for Gieni 2.0. We appreciate your interest and will notify you as soon as your access is available. Get ready to revolutionize your business intelligence with groundbreaking insights and advanced analytics!

Not just another update, but a revolution

First, there were search engines, then consulting firms for data collection and analysis, followed by brokers offering pre-collected datasets, and lastly, generative AI, which cannot provide precise answers. Gieni AI 2.0 combines the best of all these worlds into a powerful, intelligent platform capable of delivering precise data and deep market insights in real-time.
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Why Gieni AI 2.0 is a revolution

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Search Engines

- tedious searching
After conducting an extensive search, you end up with a series of generic links.
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- laborious & costly
Hiring consultants can be a demanding, time-intensive, and costly process.
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Data Brokers

- outdated data
Requested data are often static and frequently contain outdated information.
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- generic results
Chatbots offer generalized outcomes, lack comprehensive market insights, and are not ideal for B2B usage.
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Gieni AI 2.0

- aggregates the internet
Gieni aggregates information from across the entire internet, offering an interactive experience tailored to every industry. It delivers precise answers, numbers, data, and facts.

Your intelligent data companion

Chat ExampleScreen With Linear Chart
Discover the power of the Gieni chatbot, your personal data assistant that answers your questions and provides deep market insights. Gieni can not only provide answers but also create dynamic dashboards that visually present complex data in an appealing and easy-to-understand manner. This seamless integration of chat-based answers and comprehensive, interactive dashboards ensures you have all the information you need for informed decisions, strategic optimizations, and business success – all on an intuitive platform.
Try Gieni AI

Unparalleled market insights with the Gieni Reports

Gieni AI 2.0 aggregates the internet and generates data and information worldwide and "new" in all industries in the future. With advanced semantic search, our AI builds global specialized databases containing precise and industry-specific data. Our journey to Gieni 2.0 was driven by integrating cutting-edge AI technologies, enabling us to transform raw data into concrete answers, actionable insights, analyses, and reports.
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Gieni Report

Gieni Report

The Gieni Report is your comprehensive tool for strategic business development and review. It integrates all essential analyses, including market analysis, competitor reports, technology comparisons, and trend and risk analyses, to provide a holistic perspective.
Market Analysis

Market Analysis

The Gieni market analysis offers detailed insights into current and future market trends and developments. This report helps you identify opportunities and risks early, allowing you to adjust your business strategy accordingly. Essential for proactive and successful market positioning, the analysis provides the foundation for informed strategic decisions.
Competitor Report

Competitor Report

The Gieni competitor report delivers an in-depth analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors. It shows you how you compare to your peers and where there are opportunities for improvement. This report is crucial for refining your competitive strategy and strengthening your market position.
Technology Comparison

Technology Comparison

The Gieni technology comparison report evaluates various technologies and their potential impact on your industry. It provides you with solid decision-making foundations for technological investments and innovations. This report is indispensable for ensuring that your company remains technologically advanced and leverages competitive advantages.
Trend & Risk Analysis

Trend & Risk Analysis

The Gieni trend and risk analysis identifies emerging trends and potential risks that could impact your business strategy. It equips you with the tools to proactively respond to changes and manage risks effectively. Use this report to future-proof your company and address strategic challenges early on.
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Tailored data for sustainable success

Increase your success with Gieni's specialized data solutions. Whether you need a custom database for specific requirements or want to improve your CRM system – our customized offerings ensure you receive precise and relevant information to achieve your goals.
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Custom Database

Start your journey with personalized consultation. We discuss your specific requirements andbusiness goals to tailor Gieni's capabilities to your specific needs. This ensures that our solutionsare aligned with your goals from the outset.
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CRM Booster

Optimize your customer relationship management with customized data solutions. Gieni AI 2.0 helps you create, expand, and maintain robust CRM databases. Current and relevant customer information and data improve your sales and marketing goals and strengthen your customer relationships.
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...start into the future with Gieni AI 2.0 and sign up now for early access.
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